An expert has shared what would happen to the US if all glaciers melted overnight. As the world warms, the sub-zero reserves of water at the north and south poles are gradually deteriorating, causing ...
Power is out in an area of Lower Swatara Township after a vehicle hit a telephone pole. According to Dauphin County ...
For Pennsylvania residents, Hershey Gardens represents an accessible escape, a chance to experience world-class horticulture ...
For Pennsylvania residents, Hershey Gardens represents an accessible escape, a chance to experience world-class horticulture ...
Pennsylvania American Water has announced the start of a more than $16 million water line upgrade project in Pittsburgh's ...
Justin Ladner, president of Pennsylvania American Water, on Wednesday issued a statement in response to the grades of C-minus ...
The water company said the project is to improve the reliability for customers, reduce service disruptions and increase water ...
Pennsylvania American Water begins a $16 million investment to enhance water infrastructure in Pittsburgh and Brentwood.
Pennsylvania is among the top states for vehicle collisions with animals, and a new study finds corridors help prevent the crashes.
NORTHUMBERLAND — Pennsylvania American Water announced a $1 million water line upgrade projects in Northumberland County, with more than 3,900 feet of pipe to be replaced in Northumberland Borough and ...
NETHER PROVIDENCE TWP, PA — Aqua Pennsylvania is set to begin water utility construction on Brookhaven Road in Nether ...
"Additionally, Homer City Borough leaders are monitoring an above-ground water tank that services ... formerly the largest coal-burning power plant in Pennsylvania. While this ends one chapter ...