Can plastic cause brain damage in seabirds? Research shows plastic pollution is harming their liver, kidneys, and even memory ...
By coring the seabed at 850 m water depth in Disko Bay off Greenland's west coast, researchers from the University of ...
Now the same team, along with their colleagues, have found signs of dementia-like brain damage, kidney and liver dysfunction, ...
Purging our world of microplastics requires change at the government level. But until that happens, here are some things ...
A photograph of a stunning creature also captured a terrible predicament all too common in our polluted world. What's ...
For the last 12 years a company called Bureo has been working with local fisherman to remove dangerous nets from the ocean.
Shaping the Solution" KTLA's Ocean conservation series takes a deeper look at "gamechanging" laws & breakthrough innovations ...
Rather than being a source, the ocean appears to be a sink, in which 15 percent of all airborne microplastics are deposited.
So despite retiring as Aquaman, Momoa still feels the urge to protect the ocean and its wildlife. “The amount of plastic that ...
Picture a beach where more plastic washes ashore with each crashing wave than shells. This is the world we live in. Over 8 ...
Grandly christened the Plastic Odyssey, this 40-metre long “floating laboratory” is a three-and-half year expedition that set ...
A project transforming ocean plastic waste into eco-bricks for infrastructure development in island communities has won the ...