A pipe-tomahawk once owned by Standing Bear, who became the first Native American to be recognized as a person by the U.S. government, will be put on display at the ...
Jason Kilburn’s daughter Caroline is your typical happy 2-year-old girl. To the government, Caroline is not Caroline. Instead ...
The Lady Raiders left no doubt about the outcome of the fourth meeting between Sidney and Gering on Saturday in the C1-5 ...
As many district basketball games came down the wire Friday and Saturday, so did the girls state tournament bracket. Here are ...
The Cheyenne County community rallied in overwhelming support of two-year-old Beckett Block and his family Friday night at the ...
For the past 55 years, Hap and Loretta Naprstek have invested plenty of sweat equity into building up the Hilltop Ranch ...
A Nebraska lawmaker is seeking to double the portion of state sales tax revenue set aside for highway construction as funding ...
Constituents of Third District Congressman Adrian Smith (R-NE) are invited to meet with a member of his staff during March in Sidney, Kimball and Bridgeport.
Boyer pleaded guilty to two counts of lascivious acts with a child as part of a plea agreement. He agreed to an “open ...
Kayla Westby had a team-high 15 points and was one of three players in double figures as the Raiders advanced to a district ...
Senior Kayla Westby had a team high of 15 points to help the Lady Raiders get a 67-48 over the Bearcats and head to their ...
Public schools groups opposed bills Tuesday that would give Nebraska students denied option enrollment private school ...