Prosecutors in New Mexico’s busiest judicial district have been pleading with state lawmakers to amend the children’s code to ...
In South Dakota, infant care costs nearly as much as in-state tuition for a four-year public college, a report by the ...
The students who helped raise the new flags are part of the Early Literacy Program, available for preschool-aged kids ...
South Dakota high school students now have the opportunity to participate in the Lesson Learned teen safe driving campaign, ...
South Dakota's laws for which animals you can keep as pets are pretty loose... Except for these unique creatures.
Republican South Dakota Senator Lauren Nelson lead the charge in the Senate for House Bill 1239, a bill which some argued was ...
"That's not nice. Kids need their friends, their trusted caregivers and teachers. Parents need to work." The State Department of Children Youth and Families (DCYF) said daycares like Amaratunge's ...
Stephanie Hansen, D-Middletown, are launching the State of Delaware Dragonfly Project. For school-age kids, the project includes grade level-specific lesson plans and essay and art contests.
South Dakota is experiencing a record-breaking year for influenza cases and hospitalizations, significantly impacting schools. The state is facing ... we had too many kids that were out sick ...
As South Korean President Yoon Suk Yeol's impeachment trial drew to a close, footage of protesters waving flags with Chinese characters was misrepresented in social media posts as evidence of a ...