The package of scaffolding bills, introduced by council members Keith Powers and Erik Bottcher, calls for a study on new ...
The City Council approved a legislative package aimed to reduce the number of scaffolding structures on New York City streets ...
The Nevada Department of Transportation (NDOT) is announcing an updated schedule of ramp and lane closures on Interstate 15 ...
A Florida's Turnpike exit in Palm Beach County, along with a stretch of the Beeline Highway, will close this month as part of ...
Studies show gardening and spending time outdoors has many health benefits. The ability to access and enjoy a welcoming ...
Crews have swapped out all 592 cables on the world’s busiest span, which runs between New York and New Jersey.
Phase 1B of the Perfect Passage (Whitcomb Avenue/Highway 97) improvement project is slated to begin this week.
Illustration showing protected bike lane along 17th Street, and vendors using kiosk spaces along the sidewalk. On the right, a bus traveling on one of the interior circulation ramps is visible through ...
If you are planning to temporarily close the street fully or partially to occupy a curblane, sidewalk or boulevard for a race ... is responsible for providing washroom facilities (i.e. portable ...
which will cause another temporary closure of the off-ramp after 9 a.m. to complete that work. JEA anticipates that will take roughly four hours. RELATED: JEA, City of Jacksonville making progress ...