Around the world, millions of people have traded the religious traditions of their upbringing for no religion at all.
Hassan Abbas, a professor at the National Defense University in Washington D.C. and author of the “Return of the Taliban,” ...
CM Yogi, highlighting the tolerant nature of Hindus, said that a Muslim family would feel safe among a hundred Hindu families ...
Afghanistan is often in the global spotlight, and typically for less than desirable reasons. As someone who has traveled ...
I took an oath to support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic. If leftists in America seek to align themselves with the actions, practices, and ...
NIGERIA is touted as the second most religious country in the world; after the Taliban’s Afghanistan. Similarly, it is said ...
A federal judge has ordered immigration officials not to deport a Georgetown University scholar that the government detained ...
The human rights of religious minorities and others who do not conform to the interpretation of Islam prescribed by the ...
Born in India, Suri’s academic journey began at Jamia Millia Islamia in New Delhi, where he completed his PhD in Peace and ...
The rent is due, but Rahmani has no money to pay it. The Afghan father of two worked for a U.S.-backed organization in Kabul, ...