Heart disease is a term used to describe a constellation of conditions that can affect the heart and/or its valves, vessels, structure, electrical system, or coronary arteries. Though each disease ...
Diseases spread through saliva include mononucleosis, strep throat, rotavirus, and even tooth decay. Many diseases can be spread through saliva alone, including viral and bacterial infections. Our ...
High blood pressure affects multiple organs. Not only can hypertension add stress to the heart and damage arteries, leading to heart disease, but it also can cause strokes and kidney disease as ...
Video: Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard At a glance: Study explains long-standing question of why Huntington’s disease symptoms typically do not appear until midlife even though patients are born ...
Northern wild rice (Zizania palustris) is an annual plant native to the Great Lakes region of North America. Northern wild rice is the state grain of the U.S. state of Minnesota. Native Americans ...