You're about to meet two men--one, a photographer; the other, a reporter--who have used their powerful storytelling to chronicle how a changing climate is impacting the world. But today our ...
It is the second-tallest volcano in Antarctica, and to go with the usual products of gas, steam, and rocks, scientists have ...
Reporter will occasionally feature updates from local clubs and social circles. To share photos, news and announcements from ...
F.D. Flam Scientists have pieced together enough clues to Earth’s past climate to graph the average temperature from 485 ...
No story is more global than climate change. No story is as consequential for the future. Every individual, every community in every country has been impacted by a warming planet.
A new study by more than 50 climate scientists worldwide provides the clearest projection that Antarctica's ice sheet will retreat rapidly after 2100 under current carbon emissions, with global sea ...
"Thwaites has been retreating for more than 80 years, accelerating considerably over the past 30 years, and our findings ...
Antarctica is not like every other continent. Aside from its extreme cold and vast ice sheet, it's also the only major piece ...
In the crystalline waters off the coast of Belize, anglers hauled in an ocean predator with a distinctive “shovel-shaped” head. They didn’t know it right away, but they’d just caught a new species.
These findings provide valuable insights into the unique vegetation that once flourished in these prehistoric polar regions.
Researchers have discovered that Antarctica’s Thwaites Glacier is melting at a much faster rate than anticipated, which could ...
Scientists from the University of Edinburgh working alongside the British Antarctic Survey, the Norwegian Institute for ...