Dota 2 pro player, Dyrachyo leaves Tundra Esports to take a break from competitive Dota 2 Esports after seven years of playing.
Dota 2 pro player, Seleri officially leaves Gaimin Gladiators after month-long inactivity, but will return to play in the future.
Dyrachyo's surprising decision to take a break from Dota 2 comes after a short but very successful stint with Tundra Esports.
After two months of inactivity, Crystallis has returned to competitive play as Tundra Esports' new carry player.
A lot of Dota 2 players were surprised by dyrachyo’s decision to leave Tundra Esports after joining just 2 months ago. It’s safe to say that the Western European powerhouse is in excellent form ...