It may surprise you just how many K-12 students across the country including Michigan don't know how to read. According to ...
State Superintendent Ryan Walters wants the U.S. Department of Education to shift to block grant funding to Oklahoma for some ...
Utah governor worries the bill’s education-based legislation creates ‘technical and legal questions.’ Senate President Adams ...
Several states are attempting to limit undocumented students’ access to public education, here is what they have wrong and ...
For too long, schools have operated in silos — today we break down those barriers and create a truly seamless education ...
An expert panel told the Center for Digital Education that a vacuum of federal leadership is an impetus for state and local leaders to budget carefully, seek new funding sources and work with partner ...
Enter small language models (SLMs). These language models are trained on specific data sets, rather than the entirety of ...
This episode of The Future of Education explores the nine roles K-12 education is expected to play—and why the system is struggling to meet today’s demands.
ATU secures a state grant to offer free ESOL training for 50 Arkansas K-12 teachers, including tuition, materials and exam ...
What stories need to be told about education in eastern Racine? That’s the question driving Racine County Eye’s new Education ...
As cuts threaten insights into K–12 schools, the veteran researcher is helping to build a compendium of education insights.
SUNY Poly invites K-12 students to campus this April for a series of after-school workshops and spring recess camps aimed at ...