The NFL Draft is about a month away, and teams are dissecting every aspect of the prospects, from watching film, combine ...
The vote put Democrats on record on where they stood on the policy after a 2024 election cycle in which illegal immigration ...
Michigan has a sentencing problem. According to the Council on Criminal Justice, Michigan’s average prison sentence length is ...
Every GOP lawmaker in the Michigan House of Representatives voted on a bill to cut the state income tax. Several Democrats ...
NOVI, MI - One of the most recognizable scientists in the country is coming to Michigan for the state’s biggest comic con.
It's rare for a bill to be voted on when the majority party in the House doesn't support it, but that took place in Lansing ...
An explosion in clean energy development has clogged the process of hooking up to the power grid, threatening reliability, ...
A Michigan House bill seeks to reduce the CPL renewal fee from $115 to $30, simplify the process, and extend license validity ...
LANSING, Mich. — Your state income tax could soon decrease through a new bill in Lansing. If passed and signed into law, ...
The Michigan House voted to adopt a nine-bill road funding package that would generate about $3.1 billion, with a large chunk ...
Michigan House passes a bill to reduce the state income tax rate from 4.25% to 4.05% starting in 2025, with potential further ...