The gallbladder is a pear-shaped sac under the liver that stores bile, a liquid that aids in fat digestion. If a bile duct or tube leading out of the gall bladder gets blocked or infected, painful ...
Creatinine, a critical blood chemical, is produced from creatine phosphate during muscle exertion. It represents the residual waste after the muscular system has utilized the necessary energy for ...
Depression takes many forms and levels of intensity. Anyone, regardless of age, sex, and financial standing, can develop depression. This mental health disorder has physical and emotional side effects ...
Lewy body dementia (LBD) is characterized by the presence of Lewy bodies in the brain. Lewy bodies are abnormal protein clumps that accumulate in the brain's nerve cells, leading to cognitive decline ...
Once a common household pest and then largely eradicated, the bed bug has made a surprising return in the twenty-first century. Although the problem is not as prevalent as it was a century ago, if you ...
Hiccups are "synchronous diaphragmatic flutters" that happen when the diaphragm contracts involuntarily. They can be caused by eating or drinking too quickly or drinking carbonated beverages, which ...
Dementia is a group of conditions that impact memory, thinking, and social skills. To be diagnosed with dementia, a person's symptoms have to impede routine functioning and reflect a drastic decline ...
Swollen feet can result from wearing high heels or poor-fitting shoes for too long or participating in high-impact activities such as running. Aging, nutritional deficiencies, pregnancy, poor blood ...
The pancreas is a small gland in the abdomen, only six inches long, with a flattened pear shape. The liver, gallbladder, spleen, stomach, and small intestine surround the pancreas, which assists in ...
Pancreatic cancer occurs within the tissues of the pancreas, a vital endocrine organ located behind the stomach. The pancreas plays an essential role in digestion by producing enzymes the body needs ...
Damage to the lungs can cause systemic failure throughout the human body. There are many factors involved in developing lung cancer, including hereditary and environmental influences and smoking.
Approximately one in nine men are diagnosed with prostate cancer at some point in their lives, though it is more common in older adults. Eighty percent of men over 80 have cancer cells in their ...