In addition, with the increase in obesity rates and diabetes, the problems associated with gallstones and their complications is steadily increasing. The burden on emergency surgical services is ...
Despite the global underrepresentation of women in leadership roles within the insurance industry, the UAE is making significant strides in advancing gender equality. Both the government and private ...
The integration of digital technology and automation into healthcare has significantly transformed patient care, making it a more accessible and reassuring experience. This shift has introduced a new ...
Healthcare in East Africa has seen notable progress in recent years, demonstrating resilience in the face of COVID-19 alongside advanced care with limited resources. Rwanda and Uganda, for example, ...
Telehealth is a gateway to how healthcare will be delivered in the future and has enabled the transition to consumer-centric care paradigms. Because of the need to create social distancing in a safe ...
An informal survey recently put the healthcare industry at the top of the key industrial sectors earmarked for growth in the GCC in 2018. Along with the education and F&B sectors, the healthcare ...
Like most classically trained orthopaedists, a decade ago I was highly sceptical of stem cells and their therapeutic value. Today, as a treating physician at the Knee and Hip Institute in Munich, ...
The pandemic has brought many changes this year impacting all industries across the board. But within healthcare, the changes have been significant especially in telehealth. Telemedicine has been ...
Today’s interconnected world has transformed trade, economy, education, immigration, and our world view. The concept of care too has witnessed transitions and kept pace with the changing times. One of ...
The Kenyan Government has set an ambitious goal to achieve Universal Health Coverage (UHC) within its first two years, aiming to realise the constitutional right to health under Article 43. To support ...
In Vitro Fertilization (IVF) was pioneered by biologist Robert Edwards who, with gynaecologist Patrick Steptoe, fertilised the first human egg in a Cambridge laboratory in 1969. Louise Brown, the ...
The golden triangle of ideal healthcare consists of accessibility, affordability and quality. The sustainability of healthcare depends on the latter two, hence, it is important that we look at the ...