Another health care worker who was exposed to a Missouri patient who tested positive for bird flu developed respirato ...
New projections suggest the number of Americans who will die each year from extreme heat will triple by mid-century if global ...
Psilocybin, the active ingredient in magic mushrooms, appears to ease depression symptoms at least as well as one of ...
Kidney stone fragments sometimes just need a little push to be flushed out of a person’s system, a new trial finds.Ab ...
Having a husband or boyfriend with adult ADHD can harm a woman's mental stability, a new study suggests.About 3 in 5 ...
Research in rats and hibernating squirrels has pinpointed a naturally occurring protein that appears to reverse catar ...
Antidepressants have the potential to improve memory and thinking skills, a new study suggests.Some patients experien ...
Diabetes can worsen the state of your gums, but a new study suggests that diabetes medications may undo some of that ...
It's that time of year when respiratory viruses start to circulate widely, but how can you tell the difference betwee ...
Workplace anxiety. Who hasn't experienced it?However, if that anxiety is so strong that it hurts your performance o ...
The days of waiting for a flu shot at your doctor's office or local pharmacy may be over: The U.S. Food and Drug Admi ...
Controversial fentanyl lollipops and similar products will no longer be made by drug makers, the U.S. Food and Drug A ...