£175m from the Warm Homes Social Housing Fund, which will provide £77.9m for a Strategic Housing Partnership across London ...
London Councils has described a new report from the Local Government Information Unit (LGIU) as the latest evidence of “the ...
Application numbers are affected by several factors, including the falling birth rate across London. A recent report by London Councils predicts a 2.9% drop in demand for secondary school places over ...
London Councils responds to a 'stark report' from the LGIU on the state of local government finances. 'Severe and worsening' pressures facing council finances London Councils responds to a 'stark ...
London Councils' latest report on demand for school places in the capital and the implications of this for London boroughs and London schools Managing school places and admissions in London - report ...
London Councils responds to a 'stark report' from the LGIU on the state of local government finances. The Mayor of London and London Councils have come together today (Thursday 27 February 2025) with ...
The Mayor of London and London Councils have come together today (Thursday 27 February 2025) with local leaders from business, education and the voluntary sector to launch a bold new plan to ...