Theatrical reading, manga drawing workshop, bookmark creation, exhibition of old books... On 28 and 29 September, you can enjoy many activities in the libraries and media libraries during the ...
You may have already received a fake text message, e-mail or phone call from your bank, a telephone company or an administration. Attack techniques are constantly evolving. ...
You just turned 16? You're gonna be an adult in a few months? Depending on the situation, the terms of reimbursement of health costs differ. take stock. Until you turn 16, you ...
The campaign to distribute stable iodine tablets, launched in September 2024, is aimed in particular at residents of municipalities located within a 10-kilometer radius of a nuclear power plant.
Envisaged in the Social Security Financing Act for 2023, “My Prevention Check-Up” is a device offering 4 free medical appointments at different ages of life to make a general assessment of his ...
Mrs. D. goes to a hairdressing salon to make locks and a haircut. When applying the products, she complains of a burning sensation on the scalp and the hairdresser immediately stops sweeping.
Does fasting really help fight cancer? Is collagen really effective in fighting pain? The National Institute of Health and Medical Research (Inserm) helps you every day to decipher fake or ...
Every winter, bronchiolitis affects about 30% of newborns and infants. To prepare properly, the Ministry of Labor, Health and Solidarity is strengthening its awareness campaign. What are the right ...
Biblis en folie : les premières journées nationales des médiathèques et des bibliothèques les 28 et 29 septembre ...
L’hameçonnage est une technique frauduleuse consistant à vous inciter à communiquer vos données personnelles (codes d’accès, ...
Pour combattre la désinformation, l’Inserm met en place une série pour valoriser la parole scientifique : Canal Détox. Vous y ...
Tous les hivers, la bronchiolite touche environ 30 % des nouveau-nés et nourrissons. Pour bien se préparer, le ministère du ...