New accounts show that the post tax profits of €402,513 in the 12 months to the end of October last follow post tax profits ...
World leaders need to do more to bring about a ceasefire in the Middle East, Taoiseach Simon Harris has said. Speaking while ...
Students from Owenbeg NS, Easkey, had an amazing hands-on experience, cooking Ms Gibson's class harvested potatoes, carrots, ...
The matter was raised by Cllr Ger Deere at the September meeting of Castlebar MD who said the "negativity on Castlebar has ...
At the official opening of Balla Sensory Biodiversity Park are back row from l-r; Peter Monaghan, Joe Vaughan, Geraldine ...
Michael reposed in Gavin's Funeral Home, Knox Street, Ballyhaunis, on Friday, September 13, and his funeral arrived at St.
Cork Coroner’s Court was told that the sports loving Villa Football Club player loved life and was respectful, kind and ...
A Dublin man, who allegedly had a live pipe bomb "to cause maximum damage", has been sent forward for trial. Sammy Hutch, 48, ...
Almost 40 per cent of all water due to be delivered to households and non-domestic customers in 2022 was lost due to leakages ...
The Irish attractions have have joined Vesuvius volcano, Yosemite Valley and The Dead Sea as Geological Heritage Sites.
The Children’s Rights Alliance has welcomed Tuesday’s announcement of four new Local Area Child Poverty Action Plans ...
At Ennis District Court, James Scanlon told Judge Alec Gabbett that it is "an unjust law” that requires him to pay the annual ...