Some advocates believe the courts eventually will approve displaying the Ten Commandments in every public school.
A Ten Commandments monument is headed to the New State Capitol grounds in Kentucky as religious liberty advocates and ...
Another bill, which would have mandated prayer and Bible study time in Texas classrooms, has not yet cleared the Texas Senate ...
Last week, the Texas Senate passed Senate Bill 11, the Prayer Bill, which would require public school classrooms to display ...
The bills will now go to the Texas House of Representatives to face another round of scrutiny and revision before potentially ...
Other Texas bills would require display of the Ten Commandments and allow for prayer time in the classroom.
The poll took Texans' pulse on a variety of issues, including affordability, healthcare, education, immigration and abortion.
Identical bills in the Texas Senate and House would make it a crime ... Other Texas bills would require display of the Ten Commandments and allow for prayer time in the classroom.
Two years after lawmakers passed a law allowing districts to hire chaplains as school counselors, districts largely chose not ...