March 25 is National Medal of Honor Day, a day etched into the fabric of American history. The town of Clarksville, Tennessee ...
His story was so inspiring that it reached all the way to President Abraham Lincoln and resulted in the drummer boy receiving the Medal of Honor on ... during the Civil War that was ...
The Medal of Honor ... the Medal of Honor from three wars. Their actions, like the other recipients of the medal, were far and above the call of duty. During the Civil War, the job of color ...
S.C. More than two dozen African Americans were awarded the Medal of Honor in the Civil War. Let’s honor their courage. Let’s remember their convictions. In other words, we need to remember ...
Some 29 Arkansas Medal of Honor recipients will be recognized Tuesday as the National Medal of Honor Museum opens in ...
Across its hundreds of acres in Virginia, they watch over 400,000 graves of U.S. service members dating back to the Civil War, including two presidents, and more than 400 Medal of Honor ...
The names and some of the stories of thousands of U.S. military members now have a permanent home, and it’s finally opening ...
Spearheaded by Jerry Jones of Dallas Cowboys fame, the National Medal of Honor Museum seeks to educate and inspire America's ...