Despite a few newer technical elements, the original audio video and lighting (AVL) technologies were installed over 30 years ...
Live cast members Sarah Sherman and Emil Wakim at Goldstein Auditorium, or sing your heart out and dance at karaoke night in ...
With it's tower, clover logo, dual signs and new standing "CAPRI" letters, the new marquee already stands out in daylight ...
It's time for the spring Turkey Run car show, which tops a list of events that include Air Supply at Daytona's Peabody and Warbirds in Flagler.
We asked our readers to share their very favorite spots in their home states, and they delivered with insider tips, personal ...
FOX47 News is helping inform you of the top local stories in your neighborhood. Happening Today helps neighbors know what is going on throughout the day.
With the girl beside him, he has all that he requires. So long as they are alone together, and she is in his custody, so to ...
The Utah Federal of College Republicans hosted the convention this weekend. Participants discussed government spending and ...
Evanston and welcome to spring! Here are the latest news and feature stories plus great photos from around the city.