Check out and visit local distribution stands for newspapers. News sections include news, opinions, arts ...
Every instrument has its ‘holy grails’, and as far as snare drums are concerned, there are many. But while so much of our ...
Bringing Music to Life is hosting its 15th Annual Instrument Drive in Colorado Springs. Two Meeker Music locations will be accepting donations.
Dallas Brass will perform its program “American Musical Journey” at 7 p.m. Tuesday, March 25, at the USC Aiken Etherredge ...
Faust’s on-campus schedule includes a 10 a.m. workshop in the meeting room at MSU’s Memorial Library; a 3 p.m. craft talk in ...
Winnipeg-based Dirty Catfish Brass Band (DCBB) are bringing their horns (and other instruments) to Fort Frances for the ...
Musical instruments once used on stage alongside acts like The Beatles, The Rolling Stones and Jimi Hendrix, have been donated to a school. The instruments were gifted by a late musician known as ...