The hosts discuss why the desire for meaning and purpose remains strong even as the number of people attending church declines.
A sweeping census on the state of American religion reveals a less sensational tale of Christianity in decline and a rise of the religiously unaffiliated compared to a decade ago. Pew Research ...
Former Taiwanese actor Lee Wei, 44, has been named one of the suspects in an ongoing murder investigation. In July 2024, the police received a tip-off concerning a woman who was seen lying motionless ...
Americans’ overall perceptions of religion tilt positive, according to the survey, but appear to have cooled since 2014. Overall, 51% express mostly positive views of religious institutions ...
nonreligious Americans, and narrowing gender gap. A sweeping census on the state of American religion reveals a less sensational tale of Christianity in decline and the rise of the religiously ...
Kathie Lee Gifford’s friendship with President Trump goes back decades, and the talk show legend has every faith in his ability to have a great second term. "He is an ever-evolving human being ...
Organized religion was out of favor, “none of the above” was in, and houses of worship across the country were too busy dealing with aging congregations and rising building costs to find successful ...
In the new Religious Landscape Study (RLS), nearly three-quarters of U.S. adults who are currently married (74%) say they have the same religion as their spouse, a similar share as in the 2014 RLS (75 ...
The religious profiles of U.S. adults – how religious they are and what religion they identify with – are closely aligned with their partisan political identities, according to the new Religious ...
In the 2023-24 Religious Landscape Study (RLS), 59% of adults who identify with a religion say that homosexuality should be accepted by society, up a bit from 55% in 2014 and from 46% in 2007. 68 This ...
Pew Research Center has tracked trends in American religion since 2007 via the Religious Landscape Study (RLS) and since 2020 using the annual National Public Opinion Reference Survey (NPORS). But the ...