During the Civil War in 1864 ... remains in the reference collection of Framingham History Center, encased under glass. A large dent from the impact of the bullet can be seen on the penny.
Others appreciated the property's lack of an entrance fee and highly recommend visiting the on-site shop, which sells authentic historical items, such as Civil War bullets, presidential campaign ...
On July 18, 1863, one of the first all-Black army regiments to serve in the Civil War stormed Fort Wagner in South Carolina.
Other procedures such as trephination, probing for bullets, cauterizing wounds, along with wound care, dressings, castings and medication administration round out the daily work of a Civil War ...
Housekeeping time at the Schuylkill County Historical Society turned up a cache of books that’s delighting Civil War enthusiasts. Felicia Wolf, assistant director, found several dozen books on the ...
One of the major accomplishments during the Civil War was the establishment of an ... not prepared for the devastation the new Minié ball bullet and the rifled cannon would inflict.