When Jay Falk and Scott Taylor first saw the white-necked Jacobin hummingbird chick in Panama's dense rainforest, the bird ...
The Ruby-throated hummingbird is a small bird that’s bright green in color. Look out for males’ signature splash of red.
About 90% of flowering plants rely on animals to transfer their pollen and optimize reproduction, making pollination one of ...
Photos of some of the most common furry caterpillars you'll find in your garden, plus which ones are likely to become pests, ...
A research collaboration between The University of Warwick, the Smithsonian Institution and Embrapa (Brazilian agricultural ...
Among some common species, the red admiral declined by 58% ... This means that if we make the world a more hospitable place ...
Using two species of flies from different climates -- one from the cool, high-altitude forests of Northern California, the other hailing from the hot, dry deserts of the Southwest -- scientists ...
Butterfly populations in the US shrank by more than a fifth within the space of two decades, according to a new study.
Users of the iNaturalist app - scientists and park staff but also visitors and even kids - have logged 6,939 species in the Great Smoky Mountains.
If you're a keen gardener, you'll understand the struggle of pests munching on your plants. But there's one natural and cheap ...
Their favourite food is honeybees – but they weren’t fussy. The scientists found 1,449 different bits of prey, 55% of which ...
Experts recommend to never disturb a yellowjackets' nest unless you are prepared to deal with a colony of angry, stinging insects.