The Wisconsin Basketball Coaches Association released all-state basketball rosters for all five divisions of boys basketball ...
Mitchel County’s St. Ansgar First Lutheran Church, founded in 1853 and dedicated to Scandinavia’s patron saint, the French Benedictine monk who Christianized Denmark and Sweden in the 9th century, is ...
McAcy’s cruiser will be outside the funeral as a memorial for flowers ... But, the new site would be in Fort Calhoun next to a solar field east of Fort Atkinson. At the town hall, authorities ...
The grounds of the 91-acre Jefferson National Expansion Memorial park are “almost sacred to our history as ... Company of Artillery fire off 17 rounds in their honor. By day, the fort’s cottonwood ...
The 109th Wisconsin Interscholastic Athletic Association State Boys Basketball Tournament will take place Thursday-Saturday, ...
The Proud Americans 2/32nd Field Artillery will have a Vietnam Memorial Tuesday to commemorate the fallen soldiers.
Later, Parks Fort was referenced in William D. Street’s Twenty-Five Years among the Indians and Buffalo. Street stated that ...
HOUSTON, Texas (KTRK) -- More than 2,000 trail riders on 11 different routes are descending on Houston's Memorial Park preceding the Houston Livestock Show and Rodeo. The trail riders will stay at ...
FORT SMITH, Ark. — A surprising discovery ... While tearing down an old dining hall, crews uncovered a hidden memorial honoring the Clarkson family, longtime benefactors of the orphanage.
Now a section of the famous National AIDS Memorial Quilt will visit Fort Myers for the next three weeks. A 12-by-12-foot panel of the quilt comes Wednesday, March 19, to All Faiths Unitarian ...