The two pieces of the 800-year-old sculpture were discovered roughly 160 feet away from each other at the Ta Prohm Temple in ...
Shortly after dawn, more than 200 monks from an order of Tibetan exiles carry carefully bundled scriptures and 108 gold-gilt ...
Doctor calls Buddhism ‘a perfect system for eliminating suffering’ – the goal of psychiatry. So he prescribes patients ...
Yet this fiction on Ajita, the forerunner of the Charvaka school of thought, forges forth with an inexorable, passionate force, drawing the reader inwards to the centrifuge of its arguments and ...
Feng Shui says that one should always give a Laughing Buddha to other people, in the honest hope that the receiver's life is adorned with unparalleled prosperity. This in turn, will create a ...
The Indian art world is now taking baby steps away from the fear of anti-Husain protests and the unofficial boycott of MF Hussain's works, writes .
The Buddha, born a human being, is characterised by his superhuman achievements. His unique wisdom, compassion, exemplary life style and leadership made some deify him. He was the first to establish a ...
The elegantly carved feline figures from the third century B.C., unearthed by the British in northern India, embody both ...
If you need a mental health day, take a drive to a place featured on the latest edition of the Miami Oculto podcast. Patch of ...
“Thus, the missing parts of the broken Buddha sculpture are nearly restored ... Now, the challenge is completing this reconstruction in real life. Simon tells the AP that her team is appealing ...
The story of the Buddha comes to us from around 2,500 years ... Many believe that Jesus spent several years of his life travelling east, engaging with Buddhist monks and monasteries, and possibly ...
The torso, believed to be from the 12th or 13th century, was discovered during a dig by a team of Cambodian and Indian ...