For the price of a burrito, you can pick up this island mapping board game that looks like a whole lot of fun whether you ...
The PlayStation was the original home to the most influential stealth games ever, and that remains true with the PS5. Here are the best stealth games on PS5.
Rather divisively, Jungle Beat eschews many of the staples from the Donkey Kong Country series--no rolling jumps, no collectible jigsaw pieces or KONG letters, not even Diddy Kong--in favor of a ...
You don’t need to know a Shino from a Mario from a Zelda to appreciate the Nintendo Museum, but anyone who spent their ...
Being able to retroactively make a current game work on older systems is just yet another reminder that video game development is like a magic spell sometimes.
These are the best Super Nintendo games that transcend time itself, with even those without nostalgia for the '90s able to ...
SNES is part of every 90s kids' childhood, with some of the greatest gaming titles to date. Here are the best SNES games from ...
An artist specialised in GPS drawings made it his mission to recreate Nintendo’s beloved mascot for Mario Day, by journeying ...
Want to play games with your pals? Here is our full list of the best games that you must play with your friends in 2025.
Mario Day festivities, Nintendo Music releases a new update that includes over 40 tracks from a classic Super Mario game.
If you haven’t heard of it, you’re in luck because many will tell you that this Super Mario game isn’t the best example of ...
Mario's 3D games, while great, haven't felt quite as innovative as they could be. The way to fix that is by looking at the ...