Imagine seeing a furry, four-legged animal that meows. Mentally, you know what it is, but the word 'cat' is stuck on the tip of your tongue. This phenomenon, known as Broca's aphasia or expressive ...
Researchers at University of Tsukuba have applied a visualization technique to depict the brain's activity related to visual ...
John Kounios is a professor of psychological and brain sciences at Drexel University. He is co-author of The Eureka Factor: Aha Moments, Creative Insight, and the Brain (Random House, 2015) and ...
New research explores the many ways our sensory experiences overlaps, teaching us new ways the brain perceives ...
A newly identified part of a brain circuit mixes sensory information, memories, and emotions to tell whether things are familiar or new, and important or just 'background noise.' ...
During a live event, Alexander I. Spira, MD, PhD, and participants NGS testing practices and the rationale behind their ...
We're learning more about the craving that fuels self-defeating habits—and how new discoveries can help us kick the habit. Addiction hijacks the brain’s neural pathways. Scientists are ...
More than 2 years since the original trial data for lecanemab in Alzheimer's disease was published,1 and over 1·5 years since approval by the US Food and Drug Administration, brain volume data have ...
LEDA 1313424 has more rings than any other known galaxy in the universe. Scientists were able to view eight rings using Hubble, and then, and then combined that with data from the Keck Observatory ...
US President Donald Trump questioned the $21 million US allocation for voter turnout in India, during the FII PRIORITY Summit. He highlighted India's strong economy and high tariffs on US goods.
Now, an in vivo protocol facilitates screens in mouse brain, using adeno-associated virus with transposon-based delivery of the CRISPR guide RNAs.
The GINNA brain atlas offers a comprehensive framework for exploring the functional significance of 33 resting-state networks and their relationship to human cognition, using task-based meta ...