These establishments in Pike County were inspected ... Harford St., Milford; March 10; Pennsylvania Department of Agriculture. Follow-up inspection after being out of compliance with eight violations ...
Have you been paying attention to current events recently? See how many of these 10 questions you can get right. Compiled by Jeremy Engle In an illustrated story, a guest author describes how ...
William Yates undertook a scientific survey to produce the first large-scale map of the county in 1775, creating a second smaller edition in 1798. The first half of the 19 th century saw further ...
Records show forgotten Plumstead villages like Hinkletown and Wismer each had an inn. Like those crossroad towns, the inns ...
A valuer was appointed to apportion the agreed rent-charge on each plot of land, in the process of which they drew up the detailed maps and the accompanying awards. Some areas of the county (for ...