The Tumaco-Tolita people, who lived in an area rich in natural gold, crafted intricate and delicate metal objects until the ...
Major cities around the world marked Earth Hour on Saturday night, shrouding some of humanity's most famous monuments in ...
Most coins are worth their face value, but others are different story. Coin collectors seek rare currencies often valued at a ...
The combination of "copper" and "penny" might not seem like the best formula for valuable coins considering that you can find ...
A dollar coin may be a dollar coin, but a silver dollar, that is a whole different story. It may be worth going through your ...
A t a private baccarat table near the back of the El Cortez Hotel and Casino in Las Vegas on a chilly January afternoon, a ...
In the close-knit detectorist community, secrets don't stay secret for long. With rare Anglo-Saxon coins in their possession, ...
But what Ms Morgan did not immediately realise was that Powell, alongside his friend Layton Davies, had been convicted of ...