With his hulking frame, crooked nose, and volcanic charisma, Gérard Depardieu reigned over cinema for half a century — a ...
Many women have levied accusations against the actor, but experts say a changing culture in France helped lead to the first ...
Gérard Depardieu won’t just be facing two women who accuse him of sexual assault when he walks into a Paris courtroom on Monday. France’s most famous male actor will also be ...
In a stunning Oscar upset, Roman Polanski - who cannot set foot in the United States without going to jail - won the Academy Award for best director on Sunday night for his searing Holocaust drama ...
Andy Votel talks to John Doran about the story of Polish film composer and leftfield music pioneer Andrzej Korzynski and his "freer than space jazz" synthesiser music Roman Polanski's adaptation of a ...
LOS ANGELES (AP) — The case involving Roman Polanski, who fled the United States after he forced himself on a 13-year-old girl during a photo shoot, has spanned 45 years, sparking court battles ...