Jenniges spelled out for the council that it was FEMA that is moving the floodplain boundaries and not the city of Mitchell.
Nearly 100 people contacted The Denver Post recently, voicing concerns about benefit delays and difficulty reaching a live ...
Construction begins next week on a major rebuild of Memorial Highway in Mandan, with a focus on fixing drainage problems that ...
Only two out of every five bridges in the U.S. are in good condition, according to the 2024 National Bridge Inventory. How do ...
FARGO — The National Weather Service has issued its first 2025 spring and summer outlook for North Dakota, and it points to ...
Jessica Alvarado Gamez, Tribune News Service When the economic disruption from COVID-19 and the resulting shutdowns began in ...
the National Drought Mitigation Center and the U.S. Department of Agriculture. The flood risk in the Souris River Basin in north central North Dakota is greater than in the rest of the region ...
Sushant Mehan is researching what the future of crop production looks like across the Great Plains as moisture levels ...
Floods, hurricanes and seasonal rainfall can wreak havoc if you aren’t prepared and properly insured. You need more than some fresh batteries and bottled water. You need flood insurance.
Residents in North Sioux City got the opportunity on Monday to hear from the candidates who will be on the ballot on April 8, ...
A Times reporter co-wrote a guide to buying a home in an era of record heat, floods and billion-dollar disasters.
The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, St. Paul District, is seeking public comments on a proposed project to rehabilitate four low head dams along the ...