Astrobiologist Joshua Sebree of the University of Northern Iowa suggests that South Dakota's Wind Cave exhibits chemical ...
Deep below the Earth’s surface, rock and mineral formations lay hidden with a secret brilliance. Under a black light, the chemicals fossilized within shine in brilliant hues of pink, blue and green.
Fluorescent caves deep below America show how alien life could exist on one of Jupiter's moons, say scientists. The chemistry ...
A section of South Dakota’s Wind Cave seen under normal white light (left image) transforms into something otherworldly when placed under UV light (right image).
Scientists have teamed up with cave divers on a perilous mission – to reach exceptional fossils and learn more about Australia’s past ...
Glacier-carved fields and ephemeral wetlands provide a crucial stopover for long-distance migrants and prolific breeding ...
Trevor Waldien, Assistant Professor of Geology, South Dakota Mines, has been awarded a five year, $910,000 Career grant to study the Black Hills. The Faculty Early Career Development – or Career – ...
Caves in South Dakota unexpectedly glow pink and blue under black light and could serve as proxies for conditions on icy ...