Have you filed your taxes yet? Some South Dakotans may not realize that the return of investment may be worth it. According ...
Since his re-election, talks about carving the face of President Donald Trump on South Dakota's beloved monument, Mount ...
I chatted with a bunch of locals to figure out where to go, what to do, and how to make the most of snowmobiling the Black ...
Trevor Waldien, Assistant Professor of Geology, South Dakota Mines, has been awarded a five year, $910,000 Career grant to study the Black Hills. The Faculty Early Career Development – or Career – ...
South Dakota might be right at the heart of a fun idea to celebrate American history as we head into the nation's ...
The goal of the garden is to memorialize historically significant Americans whose contributions have left a positive impact ...
South Dakota's laws for which animals you can keep as pets are pretty loose... Except for these unique creatures.
It’s my opinion now that if you would start formulating a Mount Rushmore of UNI basketball players, Anderson would be on the short list. With at a minimum, two games left in his career ...
The adoption was initiated and endorsed by the state’s Plumbing Commission and has the robust support of South Dakota’s ...
Understandably, the headlines are all in 12-point type about the private-equity guy who paid $6 billion — the highest-ever ...
Sitting in a corner office he was still decorating, South Dakota School of Mines and Technology’s new president, Dr. Brian Tande, reflected on the question: Is this job a short-term or a long-term ...
A hotel representative and the town government in Keystone react to the latest on the National Garden of American Heroes.