Information provided by the Hamilton County Auditor. 8349 Lynnehaven Dr: Cobb Harry C to Frank Andrew Michael; $350,000 1219 ...
At a Tim Hortons in downtown Hamilton, drivers intent on getting their morning double doubles brave the murky waters of the parking lot, as sloshing waves reach as high as their car bumpers. Welcome ...
A SOUTH Cumbrian MP has called for specific designations of social housing developments as house prices are around ‘twenty times’ the average household income in parts of the Lake District.
CoreLogic head of research Tim Lawless was a little surprised by the speed of the rebound as national home values had been in only a temporary and shallow decline, attributing it to a pick-up in ...
According to Tim Lawless (pictured), CoreLogic’s research director, the resurgence in home values is less about direct enhancements in borrowing capacities and more about a shift in buyer sentiment, ...
CoreLogic’s research director, Tim Lawless, attributed the market improvement to rising buyer sentiment rather than an immediate increase in borrowing capacity. “Expectations of lower interest rates, ...
Melbourne and Hobart, where prices fell over the past year, led the gains, with both rising 0.4% in the month. Advt Tim Lawless, CoreLogic's research director, said the bounce in prices has more to do ...
What does this Advisor Specialize in? Find a financial advisor who specializes in the area of expertise you require. It's important to find an advisor who can help you approach your personal and ...