On Capitol Hill lawmakers grilled the CEO of the company that makes popular weight loss drugs Ozempic and Wegovy.
The senator introduced the Joint Resolutions of Disapproval to block a $20 billion weapons transfer to Israel, which has ...
The U.S. Senate has approved a resolution intended to hold Steward Health Care CEO Ralph de la Torre in criminal contempt for ...
The US Senate voted Wednesday to hold Steward Health Care’s chief executive officer in criminal contempt for failing to ...
Sen. Bernie Sanders’ aggressive targeting of Danish drugmaker Novo Nordisk’s Ozempic and Wegovy pricing, and not Eli Lilly’s ...
Newsmax host Greta Van Susteren praised Sen. Bernie Sanders as a "one-man crusade" and "single warrior" for prescription drug ...
Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vermont) and two other senators have introduced resolutions that will force the Senate to undertake ...
Pollster Robert Cahaly from the Trafalgar Group said Wednesday night on FNC's "Hannity" that he agrees with Bernie Sanders ...
Sen. Sanders Highlights Lower Drug Prices in Canada Now is The Time For Affordable & Safe Prescription Drug Importation Sanders ...
A short-term win in the 2024 presidential election for either party stands a good chance of producing several consecutive ...
Ilhan Omar (D-Minn.) will introduce a potentially groundbreaking piece of federal legislation in the House of Representatives ...