Donald Trump has called his election opponent, Kamala Harris, “mentally disabled” in the latest escalation of his rhetoric against her.
RNS is an independent, nonprofit, and award-winning source of global news on religion, spirituality, and culture. Founded in ...
The Haitians-eating-cats story isn't true, it seems, but was meant to reflect a deeper truth about mass immigration. If that ...
Fear of Haitian migration in U.S. cities is being driven by anti-immigrant rhetoric from GOP leaders like Donald Trump, who claim migrants are straining local resources.
Officials in Pennsylvania, Indiana and Alabama are combating an uptick in threats and hatred toward the Haitian immigrants.
Take the War on Terror. Over the past month, I’ve been covering the Trump campaign’s policy thinking on some of the issues ...
Vice president seen gaining ground in perceived economic competency in latest polls as issue remains at forefront of voters’ concerns ...