Pat Curry authored House Bill 4938, which would abolish the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department. Screengrab from Facebook ...
According to its text, House Bill 4938 if passed would get rid of the department by redirecting their duties to other state ...
A Texas lawmaker who breeds deer wants to abolish Texas Parks and Wildlife, which helps regulate deer breeders in the state.
A bill to eliminate the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department is a response to landowner rights as it relates to the state’s ...
Rep. Pat Curry authored House Bill 4938, which would abolish the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department. Screengrab from Facebook post by Pat Curry for Texas. A Texas representative serving on a ...
Just a day before the deadline to file, District 56 Representative Pat Curry filed a bill that, if passed, would get rid of the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department. According to its text ...
A bill proposing gun and hunter safety courses in Texas public schools is being heard in the state house on Tuesday.
So does Pat Riley fire his boy Erik Spoelstra? Gilbert Arenas: No, he got to fire himself. No one’s complaining about Spo, ...
All lawmakers came to the Capitol to engage with Waco businesses, education entities, and nonprofits to hear their voices.