Imagine you’re walking through the forest when all of a sudden you trip and fall. Upon righting yourself, you see that you stumbled over a strange-looking log. Upon further inspection, you realize ...
The long era ended with a major extinction event often known as the Permian-Triassic extinction. Since the Paleozoic kicked off with the most rapid and widespread diversification of life on earth (the ...
While it may seem obvious at first, you may not know all of the differences between a river otter vs sea otter. There are quite a few to discuss, as river otters and sea otters belong to different ...
How can you tell the difference between a possum vs opossum? Both are marsupial mammals, meaning they carry their babies in a fleshy pouch. They are also both nocturnal, most active at night. Next, ...
No matter where you live, you’ve probably heard people talk about crawfish, crayfish, and crawdads. It’s common to wonder what the difference is between crawfish vs crayfish. Believe it or not, there ...
The Newfoundland and Saint Bernard are two completely different breeds of dogs, with radically different appearances but nearly identical sizes. They are known for their sweet temperament and gigantic ...
There are enough spiders in the world to make you wonder what the differences are between a hobo spider vs wolf spider. While both of these arachnids are found around the world and often in your own ...
People that live around rural areas often encounter deer, four-legged ruminants that are known for their skittish nature and humans’ love of hunting them for meat and sport. Anyone that has lived in a ...
Some animals live just to exist, eat, sleep, and reproduce. While others, like chimps, dogs, and birds, show incredible intelligence. When researching these fascinating creatures that inhabit our ...
Mules were bred specifically to combine the best qualities of both donkeys and horses. Donkeys are known to be difficult to manage but are much stockier than horses. This allows donkeys to be ...
Straddling a fine line between oceans and land, seals and sea lions belong to a group of closely related semi-aquatic mammals called the Pinnipeds (this is a Latin term that roughly translates to “fin ...
In the world of animal adaptations, some creatures possess an astonishing feature — incredibly long tongues. These remarkable tongues serve a wide range of purposes, from hunting to feeding and ...