The highest expected temperature today is 25, which is 2 degrees lower than yesterday's max. Warmer conditions are expected on each of the next six days. The chance of rain today is 50 per cent.
Today's forecast is mostly cloudy; possible shower; e'ly winds. Moist air with a dew point of 15.4 at 12am today means the temperature will feel like 14.8 degrees making the day slightly humid. The ...
Today's forecast is mostly cloudy; possible shower; se winds. Moist air with a dew point of 15.6 at 12am today means the temperature will feel like 16.6 degrees making the day slightly humid. The ...
The highest expected temperature today is 26, which is 1 degree lower than yesterday's max. Today's maximum is the highest the mercury will climb over the next seven days, according to the forecast.
Today's forecast is mostly cloudy; clearing shower; se winds. At 12am today, expect an unpleasantly warm and humid day, with a dew point of 20.1. It is likely to feel like 22.1 with a relative ...
The previous Rouse Hill traffic article can be viewed here.
Advice: Check signage. Expect delays. Alternating (stop/slow) traffic conditions will be in place to allow motorists to pass ...
The previous Tweed Heads traffic article can be viewed here.
Advice: Reduced speed limit. Allow extra travel time. Alternating (stop/slow) traffic conditions will be in place to allow ...