While plastics are very useful on their own, they can be much stronger when reinforced and mixed with a range of fibers. Not ...
Media formats have come a long way since the early days of computing. Once upon a time, the very idea of even playing live ...
Although Android technically runs on top of Linux, generally most Android devices abstract away the underlying Linux-ness of these machines. In theory this is a good thing; we wouldn’t ...
Many have sought the holy grail of making commercial media both readable and copy-proof, especially once everyone began to ...
Although not the first to try and build a DIY solar-powered remote control airplane, [ProjectAir]’s recent attempt is the ...
There was a time when building a telescope was a rite of passage for budding astronomers, much as building a radio was the ...
When your steam engine build requires multiple microscopes, including those of the scanning electron variety, you know you’re ...
When you think of Sony, you probably think of a technology company that’s been around forever. However, as [Asianometry] points out, it really formed in the tough years after World War II.
In a recent photo essay for the New Yorker magazine, author Keith Gessen and photographer Andrew McConnell share what life is like for the residents around the launch facility and where Soyuz ...
Whether you have full use of your hands or not, a foot-operated keyboard is a great addition to any setup. Of course, it has to be a lot more robust than your average finger-operated keyboard, so ...
It is hard to imagine what a mainframe or supercomputer can do when we all have what amounts to supercomputers on our desks. But if you look at something like IBM’s mainframe Telum chip, ...
Hackaday readers are likely the kind of folks that have a favorite keyboard, so you can probably imagine how devastating it would be to find out that the board you’ve sworn by for years is ...