民眾黨今(22)晚在台中舉辦「為司法正義站出來」街頭開講活動,聲援因涉京華城案被羈押禁見的民眾黨主席柯文哲,立委黃國昌也上台開講,直指總統賴清德「雙標」,指出他在2008年當 ...
The shooting happened in the Five Points South neighborhood, home to the University of Alabama campus and a number of bars ...
【記者蕭文彥台北報導】國民黨立委翁曉玲提案修正憲法訴訟法部分條文,將大法官判決門檻從現有總額過半數同意,提高至2/3。國民黨團首席副書記長王鴻薇22日表示,憲法訴訟法確實可以檢討,需待黨團大會再做討論。 立法院於今年5月28日三讀通過國會職權修法相關條文,行政院提出覆議遭立法院否決,總統賴清德於6月24日公布,國會職權修法法律已於6月26日生效。但因民進黨立法院黨團、行政院、總統賴清德、監察院先後 ...
AccuWeather forecasters are also on board with the fiery fall forecast: “Fall is going to feel more like an extended summer ...
One swimmer was found washed ashore in critical condition Saturday, and two others were missing after emergency personnel ...
受到低壓帶影響全台有雨,各地災情不斷。台北市萬華區福星國小旁的有路樹倒塌,道路一度被迫中斷,還有轎車被砸中;板橋的民生中山路口也有人孔蓋出現間歇性的湧出水柱,嚇壞騎士。而高雄市六龜山區的光明巷今(22)日下午發生土石流,警消協助7名居民緊急撤離,東琉 ...
So when the first assassination attempt happened, unfounded conspiracy theories suggesting it had been staged were not only recommended directly to her feed - but were all the more convincing as they ...
中央氣象署持續發布豪、大雨特報指出,熱帶性低氣壓及低壓帶影響,易有短延時強降雨,今天屏東縣及高雄市有局部豪雨或大豪雨,台北市、新北市、桃園市、台南市及恆春半島有局部大雨或豪雨,基隆、新竹、嘉義、宜蘭、花蓮地區、澎湖、金門、馬祖及台東山區有局部大雨發生 ...
本日Yahoo焦點為您精選5則網友最關注的重點新聞、1. 雨狂轟 曾文水庫水位13年最高 2. 小米誰送的?轉列他字案追來源 3.歷史性豪雨 日1死、10多人失蹤 4.大雨不斷 義大餐廳變「流水席」 5.全家上吐下瀉 元凶是媽手上傷口 ...
In November, clocks will turn back by an hour and millions of Americans will gain an extra hour of sleep as daylight saving ...
Lando Norris boosted his world championship hopes by securing an impressive pole position for the Singapore Grand Prix. Under ...
I may not be buying what Trump is selling, but a lot of people are. It's important not to lose sight of that come November.