Le paysage politique mondial évolue, passant de la collaboration internationale, qui a permis l’Accord de Paris il y a dix ans, à des politiques de plus en plus nationalistes. Ce changement met en ...
La lutte contre la pauvreté est une affaire de patience. D’une année à l’autre, la situation change relativement peu et, même sur plusieurs décennies, les progrès demeurent circonscrits. Plus souvent ...
Canadian party leaders and their teams are known for demanding strong message discipline from caucus members. But when a transition occurs, as in a leadership race, members of Parliament have much ...
Last May, the B.C. legislature approved Bill 21, the Legal Professions Act, which the government said is aimed at modernizing the regulation of legal professions and increasing access to justice. It ...
Gillian Brown Gillian Brown is a master’s student in the department of politics at Acadia University. Articles by this author Democracy Politics It’s time for Liberal MPs to speak up by Gillian Brown, ...