Translated from the Greek Septuagint by outstanding scholar and Jesuit priest Nicholas King, this Bible aims to bring you as close as possible to the original biblical voices, in all their rawness and ...
Sources of Wisdom resources – AQA Catholic Christianity These resources have been designed to complement the Catholic Christianity component of the AQA GCSE Religious Studies B specification. Download ...
Bible studies barely exist in China because there’s nobody to lead them. Will you train a group leader today? The Bible reveals God’s heart for you, and the more you study it, the more your heart ...
What people, places and opportunities are you grateful for? And how often do you experience and express gratitude for these things? Our guided gratitude meditation invites joy into your day as you ...
Stepping into the Whole lyfe stream... The Whole lyfe stream is about making the invisible presence of God visible in everyday life. God manifests himself in his creation, even in the midst of mundane ...
Discover your place in God’s story as you explore the Letter to the Romans with your small group or as a whole church. What is The Romans Course? The Romans Course is a ten-session programme which ...
The Just lyfe stream promotes a life of compassion, extended to every sphere of life, motivated and empowered by the love of God. We live in a competitive, consumerist world, where what we have seems ...
Stepping into the Spirit lyfe stream... The Spirit lyfe zone focuses on the power of God’s Spirit moving in and through us. We want to live a life immersed in, empowered by, and under the direction of ...
How do you feel about the idea of joyful living? Perhaps it’s something you’re actively trying to master. Maybe you’re looking to make small shifts to achieve a more positive mindset. Or perhaps ...
Beibl i bobl ifanc, wedi’i ddylunio gyda phobl ifanc. Mae Cymdeithas y Beibl a Youth for Christ wedi partneru i greu Beibl unigryw. Mae pobl ifanc fel chi wedi ein helpu i roi'r Beibl newydd yma at ei ...