Du hast Lust Millionär zu werden und kennst den österreichischen Fußball wie deine Westentasche? Dann ist der ADMIRAL Bundesliga SIXPACK genau das richtige für dich!
Do you want to become a millionaire and know Austrian soccer like the back of your hand? Then the ADMIRAL Bundesliga SIXPACK is just the thing for you!
Das Festival für Gegenwartskultur beschäftigt sich von 12. September bis 6. Oktober mit der Demokratie. Unter anderem kann ...
From September 12 to October 6, the Festival for Contemporary Culture will focus on democracy. Among other things, you can ...
Following the new lower commercial electricity tariffs from July 1, 2024, Salzburg AG will be offering lower energy prices ...
The times when a BMW exhibited dynamics not only in its handling but also in its bodywork seem to be coming to an end. In ...
Discover the 2-in-1 thermal spa Bad Waltersdorf, the culinary highlights and enjoy the hilly landscape of Eastern Styria in ...
Die Zeiten, da ein BMW die Dynamik nicht nur im Fahrverhalten, sondern auch in der Karosserie zur Schau gestellt hat, scheinen sich dem Ende ...
Young bike star Mona Mitterwallner is marathon world champion again! After 2021 and 2023, the 22-year-old Tyrolean won the ...
At around 9.45 am, the local man was cutting firewood in his garden with a circular saw. "In the process, the 43-year-old's left arm got caught in the running circular saw blade, causing a deep cut to ...
The Iranian Revolutionary Guards have arrested twelve people for allegedly spying for the Israeli foreign intelligence ...
Die Iranischen Revolutionsgarden haben zwölf Personen wegen angeblicher Spionage für den israelischen Auslandsgeheimdienst ...