With regard to the Anti-Dumping Duty Investigation on Graphite Electrodes*1 Originating in the People’s Republic of China*2, the Ministry of Finance (MOF) and the Ministry of Economy, Trade and ...
Issuance of the Inflation-Indexed Bonds in April-June 2025 will be as follows.The plan could be changed owing to market conditions and others. (Note1)The auction will be conducted once a month. (Note2 ...
Today, the Cabinet has enacted a Cabinet Order relating to a provisional anti-dumping duty on graphite electrodes originating in the People’s Republic of China* (hereinafter referred to as “China”).
The systematization of establishment and enterprise surveys in Japan is in progress. The establishment and enterprise surveys in Japan prior to 2012 were based on individual surveys of industries ...
Issuance and reopening schedule of the Bonds with Fixed-Rate Coupons will be as follows. 1) 10-year Bonds (4 issues in FY2025 unless the gap between the coupon rate of the issue with the same maturity ...
• Regarding 5-Year Bonds, it was proposed to issue four issues in FY2025 unless the gap between the coupon rate of the issue with the same maturity and the market interest rate on the auction day was ...
• Regarding 5-Year Bonds, it was proposed to issue four issues in FY2025 unless the gap between the coupon rate of the issue with the same maturity and the market interest rate on the auction day was ...
・Purchases and Sales of Foreign Securities by Residents by Types of Investors ...
An anti-dumping duty system is a system to impose an extra duty in addition to customs duty to protect a domestic industry, which produces in Japan the like product of the imported product sold for ...