An investment in education today is substantial; usually the second largest investment to purchasing a home. In order to help protect your investment, Santa Clara University has partnered with A.W.G.
Learn more information about the Honors application process and apply. Learn about the Honors requirements, electives, scholarships & fellowships and the Honors Advisory Council. The University Honors ...
Our friendly staff in the One Stop are here to assist you with your billing, financial aid and registration needs. We have eliminated the need for you to travel across campus or call multiple ...
Prosthetic hands can cost thousands of dollars. Steven Reimer ’24 designed one for less than $300. His research will provide ...
Professor On Shun Pak and his team of student researchers use microrobots to model the swimming motion of bacteria in the ...
At any given time almost 90,000 people in the United States are waiting for a kidney transplant, and every day 11 die waiting for one. Of these people, 35% are Black patients receiving dialysis for ...
An SCU education is an investment that will pay off throughout the course of your life, both financially and personally.
Sarah Herrington is a biology major and she is a 2024-25 health care ethics intern at the Markkula Center for Applied Ethics at Santa Clara University. Views are her own. Ethical decision making is a ...
David DeCosse is the director of religious and Catholic ethics at the Markkula Center for Applied Ethics, and is a regular commentator at National Catholic Reporter. Views are his own. 'Flood ...
Synopsis: Hard or soft, ‘business’ skills aren’t just for business My time at the Silicon Valley Council of Nonprofits (SVCN) has demonstrated to me that ‘business’ skills aren’t necessarily ...
Synopsis: Shubhaan reflects on the business skills he’s learned at his placement. During Winter Quarter so far, I have been wrapping up the workflow to automate the disbursement of the City of San ...
Guido van Drunen is a retired Big-4 partner, an adjunct professor at Santa Clara University, and a Markkula Center Faculty Scholar. Claire is a recent graduate majoring in accounting, with a minor in ...