Employees of the 6000 Spaceship, under the watchful eye of a mysterious Organisation, are exploring the New Discovered – a planet far away from Earth. Who among them is human, and who is a human-like ...
We’re making more and more of our events accessible to a wider audience. We offer a range of assisted formats including British Sign Language interpretation, Speech-to-Text transcription, Audio ...
Discover new poets through this free online collection of brilliant, moving, funny and groundbreaking poems curated by our specialist poetry librarians. Search the poems by type or by topic, or use ...
Who uses the Medusa’s eye? Have you heard a chorus of frogs? Do you know who Gentle Dobbin is? The library keeps a running list of frequently asked for ‘lost’ quotations that for some reason have come ...
Situated in the heart of London, on the banks of the River Thames is the Southbank Centre’s Royal Festival Hall, a beacon for arts and culture for over 70 years. The 2,700 capacity Royal Festival Hall ...
The open mic night Holy Moly is hosting its next show at the Mole Hole Micro Pub, with a feature performance from the poet Wolf Howard, who will be reading from his new book ‘A queue for nothing’.
Try a weird, wonderful winter sport in an awesome alpine setting as The Curling Club returns.