a) Pattern, PIN or Password security unlocking is required after the device restarts. Fingerprint unlock does not function at this point but it will work again after unlocking using another method. b) ...
a) If this issue only occurs in certain places, move to a location with a strong signal and try again. b) Check whether there are smudges or scratches on your SIM card’s metal surface as a defective ...
To use your SIM card when making a video call, please check the requirements below: a) Video calls require network/SIM card support. Please contact your SIM operator to make sure you have the video ...
a) Clear the cache of the inbuilt app. To clear an app’s cache: go to main menu->select “Settings”->“Apps”->select “VIEW ALL ×× APPS”->select the app from the app list->select “Storage & ...
When your device connects to a PC, a pop up window will appear to ask you which mode you want to use. Or click “Settings”-> “Connections” -> click “USB connection” to select the mode. To transfer data ...
If there is no 5G indicator: a) Check whether the “5G” function is enabled. Go to “Settings”-> “Cellular network” or "SIM card & mobile network” ->“5G”-> touch the trigger to enable the “5G” function.
a) Try to set a high photo size or video quality: go to the “Camera” app->touch the settings icon at the top left of the corner on the screen>touch “Photo size”, select “50MP (4:3)-HIGH PIXEL”-> touch ...
a) Clear the cache of the ‘Camera’ app. To clear an app’s cache: go to main menu->select “Settings”->“Apps”->select “VIEW ALL ×× APPS”->select ...
You can change the “app permission” in “Settings” -> “Apps” -> “Permission manager” -> selecting a topic. Check the choice-box to allow or deny individual permissions. Note: Available settings and ...
a) Check if the device is in a high or low temperature environment. If yes, we advise you to use it only under normal operating conditions. b) Deactivate Bluetooth, Wi-Fi, or GPS when not in use. c) ...
a) Check if there is any visible damage to the charger USB, the charger itself or the charging port of your device. If yes, back up your data and take your device and proof of purchase to our repair ...