One of the coins in the hoard was a gold aureus of Claudius, the very emperor who led the invasion of Britain. That connection made the find even more special. It's heavy and a beautiful coin, and has ...
Among the parade of priests and nuns who stroll in and around Vatican City, there is a special breed of journalist who is tasked with explaining the pope and the Roman curia to the world. These people ...
ROME— The second Vatican assembly for the global Synod on Synodality will kick off on Oct. 2, bringing together clerics and ...
An unholy argument over a hymn has struck a discordant note in the preparations for the main event of Pope Francis' trip to ...
Pope Francis has taken the unusual decision to expel 10 people from a troubled Catholic movement in Peru after a Vatican ...
Director Edward Berger's Vatican thriller contains more nuanced craft contenders than his Oscar-winning juggernaut 'All Quiet ...
The investigation was sparked by a threatening letter addressed to Catholic Charities and Burke in 1961. Burke contacted the Buffalo Police Department after receiving the letter, requesting a discreet ...
The Vatican expelled 10 members from Sodalitium Christianae Vitae, a group founded in Peru, after investigators reported ...
After events in Luxembourg today, the Pope’s four-day trip will continue in Belgium, where he will visit three cities to mark ...
Vatican City is a holy place, home to the pope and the center of Christianity. Very few live in Vatican City, but millions ...
Faithful gather before religious icons and candles at the start of a Taizé prayer service last year at Christ the ...
Pope Francis has called for the liberation of Myanmar’s detained former leader Aung San Suu Kyi, offering Vatican territory ...